Antenatal Care
Both medical practices are actively involved in providing Combined Ante-natal care for our patients. This service is provided in conjunction with any of the maternity hospitals and is available for women regardless of what type of hospital care they opt for (i.e. Public, Semi-private or Private).
The service is funded by the HSE and is available to all women normally resident in Ireland. It covers a first ante-natal visit and up to 5 subsequent visits before the delivery and 2 visits after the delivery – one at 2 weeks and one at 6 weeks. If a woman develops a medical condition related to her pregnancy (such as diabetes or high blood pressure) then there is the facility for more visits to be provided. Any additional visits above and beyond this number will incur a fee.
The scheme DOES NOT cover visits, during the pregnancy, that are NOT DIRECTLY related to the pregnancy. For further information about the scheme follow the link: http://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/3/maternity/combinedcare.html