Women’s Health Services
Dr Helen Casey & Dr Brenda Maguire
Dr Sarah Callaghan
All Doctors are committed to offering a comprehensive well women service to their patients. Areas covered by both practices include :
1. Contraception
Both practices offer advice on all forms of contraception. We offer a service for removal and fitting of Implanon, Mirena/Kyleena and Copper coils. This service is extended to patients, including medical card patients, who are not patients in the practice. Please check our fees here.
2. Cervical Smear
Both Practices are accredited with the National Cervical Screening Programme. This is available free of charge for all women between 25 – 60 years old. You can avail of this service even if you are not a patient of the practice. To avail of this free service you will need to register with the National Cervical Screening Programme. Please see www.cervicalcheck.ie
There is also a private smear service available if you fall outside the National Screening Guidelines. There is an extra laboratory charge on private smears, please check the fees page for both practices.
3. Fertility Care
4. Menstrual Disorders
5. Peri-Menopause and Menopause